Project: Brisbane New Year’s Eve Fireworks, City Wide Celebration
Category: Major Event, National Event, New Year’s Eve
Services: Fireworks, Barge Fireworks
In 2016, Skylighter FireworX produced a city-wide celebration in Brisbane that included seven barges in 3 different precincts all along the Brisbane River. Synchronised to a soundtrack on radio station Hit105 all barges fired simultaneously through specially designed time code boxes on each barge connected to our firing system. The show was designed to use each precinct perfectly, allowing for both intimate viewing from the restaurants close by and a huge city wide celebration from the outer suburbs. Skylighter used barges and marine crew, all in house, to insert the seven barges along the river with ease. The displays were well received along the River precincts making it the biggest New Year’s Eve celebrations in Queensland.
Contact us for more information about how we light up your next city wide celebration!